Tuesday, July 14, 2009

BBC iPlayer Again

Well, I guess I'm just old fashioned, can't deal with change, but I really did enjoy BBC Radio streaming far more before they launched the iPlayer Console. The Realplayer streams worked great. The iPlayer, linked as it is to a browser, has never really worked out well for me.
I mean, I might like to browse other sites while listening to the BBC content instead of having to open an dedicated browser for listening and even then sometime having it stop, pause, while I'm doing things on another browser.
So my ultimate opinion is BBC iPlayer= Double + Ungood.

On the other hand it is not a big tragedy to miss a week of the X Files-sih Torchwood on the Afternoon Play slot. I heard one and was rather underwhelmed.
Alright I'll give Chameleon a go, why not?

1 comment:

Ken Mac said...

oh that is crap for sure. I always enjoyed hearing all the different BBC radio sites. Now it launches some player in a new window?